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👉Why is Handwriting Important?✍


Why is it Important to Learn Handwriting?

According to research, proper reading development is strongly linked to letter naming and letter-writing. This is because the hand and the neural circuitry of the brain are inextricably linked. When students master writing letters and grasp the features of each, they also learn to recognize them more accurately. This letter identification leads to increased writing fluency, which then improves their reading skills.


What Will Students Learn?

1. Preschool – Letter and number recognition, correct pencil grip, pre-writing strokes, distinguishing between left and right, sketching.

2. Grades K-2 – Letter recognition and usage, letter and number formation, word spacing, pencil grip, writing on a page.

3. Grades 3+ – Letter formation, size, and placement; cursive letters and connections; distance between phrases and words; pencil grip and handling.


Why is Teaching Handwriting Important?

  • Improved Memory – Studies show that students learn and retain information better when handwriting ideas instead of typing.
  • Letter Mastery – Handwriting allows students to physically interact with letters, which helps them remember letters and its associated sounds better. Handwriting is both a tactile and a visual experience, which are key in young learners’ literacy acquisition.
  • Fully Formed Thoughts – Speed is key when typing, whereas handwriting is a slower, more intimate process. Handwriting allows us to slow down, breathe, and form our thoughts fully before putting them into paper.
  • Improves Focus – Effortless and legible writing frees you from worrying about whether your work can be understood by your readers. Hence, you are able to concentrate more on accomplishing your writing task.
  • Highlights One’s Uniqueness – Your handwriting is unique to you, and some say that you can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their handwriting. Being able to write legibly is equivalent to making a clear statement with your own unique voice.


What Are the Benefits of Learning Cursive Writing?

  • Enhances Neural Connections – Cursive writing engages both the right and left hemisphere of the brain.
  • Improves Reading Ability – Children who can read and write in cursive can also read print or manuscript, but the reverse is not true.
  • Better Fine Motor Abilities – Cursive writing helps the student practice fine motor skills as he or she learns to produce smooth strokes.

👉😊Why is Handwriting Important?✍

👉😊Why is Handwriting Important?✍

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