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Fairfield County, Connecticut, Learning Specialist
Serving You Since 2010! We Are Caring Speech-Language Pathologists & Educators Traveling to Your Connecticut Home:
Greenwich Stamford Darien Norwalk New Canaan Westport
No need to leave your home! We come to you, providing speech-language and feeding therapy, literacy, and math tutoring. We offer remote and in-home sessions based on your own schedule! With one-on-one attention, we can help you make measurable progress! Free remote meet & greets, no fee 15-minute initial phone consults, and no contracts: pay as you go!

Our Fairfield County, Connecticut, learning specialist, Lindsay, can provide invaluable support and guidance to families and individuals needing educational assistance. She offers various services, such as individualized tutoring, curriculum design and assessment, academic and behavior support, and social-emotional coaching. She helps K-5 students with dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, autism, and executive functioning difficulties. She also offers decoding and spelling support. Lindsay is trained in Wilson/FundationsOrton Gillingham, and Hochman Method. With the help of Lindsay, our Fairfield County, Connecticut, learning specialist, students, and families can be empowered and supported to reach their highest potential.

The Essential Role of Learning Specialists in Fairfield County, Connecticut

Learning specialists play an essential role in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Lindsay gives students the necessary skills to succeed in school, work, and life. Through careful assessment, she can identify students’ academic strengths and weaknesses and create individualized learning plans to help students reach their full potential. She can work with teachers to provide extra support and guidance in areas that need improvement. With the help of a learning specialist, students can achieve a higher level of success and have a brighter future.

How Can a Fairfield County, Connecticut, Learning Specialist Help Students Improve Their English Language Skills?

A Fairfield County Connecticut learning specialist is an experienced educator who can help students develop their English language skills. She can provide personalized instruction and guidance to help students improve their grammar, writing, and reading comprehension

What are the Benefits of Working with a Fairfield County, Connecticut, Learning Specialist?

Working with a literacy coach can benefit students and their families. A learning specialist can help identify any learning disabilities or issues a student may face and provide advice and resources on how to address them best. Lindsay can also provide insight into students’ strengths and weaknesses and create individualized learning plans that best meet their needs. A learning specialist can also help parents understand their child’s learning style and suggest ways to enhance their learning experience. With the right learning specialist, students can get the help they need to reach their educational goals.

How Can Our Fairfield County, Connecticut, Learning Specialist, Lindsay, Make a Difference?

Lindsay is a Fairfield County, Connecticut, learning specialist who is making a difference in the lives of students and their families. She possesses a dual Master’s degree in Childhood Education and Special Education. She uses her expertise in learning differences to help students understand their individual needs and develop strategies to help them succeed. Lindsay has helped countless students develop the skills they need to be successful in school and life. With her help, students have gained the confidence they need to reach their full potential. Lindsay’s passion for learning and helping students is evident in her work and the difference she makes in the lives of those she serves.


Jill has been a wonderful tutor to our nine-year-old daughter. The writing was one of her least favorite activities and she was initially quite distressed to find out that she would be working with a tutor – but Jill immediately put her at ease and she now absolutely looks forward to their sessions.

I’ve seen my daughter’s confidence as a writer grow considerably – she now tackles school assignments with more focus and far less anxiety. Jill has also been working with her to improve reading comprehension and there’s been a notable difference in the types of books that our daughter now enjoys.

Jill has made a huge impact and has helped our daughter with these essential foundational skills – I’m so glad has she has been a steady, caring, and encouraging resource, especially given the recent and ongoing COVID challenges.

– Mel

Any child would be fortunate to work with Kristine! It is rare to find a tutor who exhibits the compassion and expertise for her job that Kristine does. She arrives at the front door with a smile on her face, loves her job and her calm and nurturing personality makes it easy for our son to want to work with her. Kristine has been successfully giving our son the tools he needs to find success in his classes. She structures her sessions to cater to his needs and keeps his interest for the full hour and sometimes more. Her post-session updates on his progress are extremely informative and helpful. Any child would be fortunate to work with Kristine!

– Jonathan & Candace

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Fairfield County, Connecticut, Learning Specialist
Book a Consultation with Craig
Speech-Language Therapist (Pathologist) and a Learning Specialist

Chat with Us Today! Our Fairfield County, Connecticut, Learning Specialist is ready to help you right now!

Call: (347) 394-3485, Text: (917) 426-8880

Email: [email protected]
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Craig Selinger

Author Craig Selinger

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